On the 29th of January, the UK received its first confirmed cases of coronavirus, and since then everyone’s lives have been turned upside down. We’ve had lockdown’s, furloughs, social distancing and the value of hand sanitizer has skyrocketed.
As the number of total cases of covid-19 surpasses 750,000 in the UK, it would be easy to think this was the only pandemic the country was battling at the moment. But with such drastic changes coming to our day-to-day lives, it’s not just our physical health that’s been put at risk by the virus, it's our mental health too.
There is growing evidence that our mental wellbeing is being severely impacted by all the changes the virus has had on our lives. In a study by The Health Foundation, they found 69% of the UK felt worried about the impact covid-19 was having on their life and a further 63% were worried about the future.
Further studies reveal that the mental health pandemic is affecting all ages, in particular, a study by Young Minds found 69% of school children described their mental health as poor now they have returned to school and perhaps even more worrying was that 40% revealed they had not looked for support whilst struggling.
This is an overwhelming statistic to come to terms with, the fact that most of the countries mental wellbeing has declined but almost half are choosing to go without support, highlights that there is a real need for people to gain a better education on Mental Health.
If more people take the time to learn more about mental health, far fewer people will go without the support that they would have previously been too worried to ask for.
The AIM Group offers FREE accredited qualifications on mental health, which can help you learn the correct intervention and prevention techniques to support those suffering from mental health. They’re quick, easy and can genuinely make a difference if you know someone who may be suffering.
An example of some of our mental health courses that you may be interested in include: Children and Young Peoples Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid & Mental Health Advocacy In The Workplace.
To learn more about our accredited courses, email: qualifications@theaimgroup.co.uk or call us at: 0203 900 3091.