New Award for Teachers and Parents Out Now!
With an NCFE / CACHE Accreditation!
Release Date: 21/11/2022
Course Benefits
- Attain a Nationally Accredited NCFE / CACHE Accredited Qualification
- Understand how the Brain Develops (Both during pregnancy and the first seven years)
- Understand the importance of positive early experiences, secure attachments, and nurturing environment.
- Understand how stress and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can affect brain development and subsequent behaviour.
- Understanding self regulation and how adults can nurture this in young children through co-regulation.
- Learn the meaning and importance of “Emotion Coaching,” and how this can improve practice in the early years settings.
Or, read more to learn more about neuroscience in children
How the Child’s Brain Develops
The brain of a child is much like a sponge. It is always looking to soak up new information.
In adulthood, those you surround yourself with, help mould you into the person you are. In this respect, a child’s brain is similar. However, it is much more delicate. This is because childhood is the most impressionable stage of life.
As we grow, most of us begin to understand the difference between right and wrong. This massively supports our ability to make decisions. During the infant years, these lessons have not yet been learnt. So, we must ensure the proper teaching of responsibility.
The Importance of Provision in Early Years
Recent studies have shown that children learn more in their first 6 years of development than in the remainder of their life.
Those left without Love, Care and Support can struggle with Fear, Anger and Sadness. These are negative emotions, that we would not like somebody within our care, to ever feel.
Fortunately, we can now understand better than ever, how these conditions develop. Which in turn, aids the prevention of negative impacts on mental health.
Having instability and trauma in the early years can lead to ongoing mental health-related concerns.
Facing Adversity will always be a part of life, but it's how we deal with our challenges that define us. These mental health related issues can be deterred by creating Nurturing Environments. Within these spaces, young people are more able to feel at ease and express their true thoughts without fear of judgement.
Course Info
2022 Short Course for Teachers and Parents
NCFE / CACHE Accredited
Technology Advances
We have now reached a further understanding of development within children.
This is greatly attributed to advances in technology, which have helped us further evaluate the causes and resolutions of childhood trauma. Fortunately, this information has been broken down into online modules. All of which is accessible, through our New Course.
From a biological standpoint, we can now see the impacts of stress, trauma and lack of care. As Parent/Teacher/Carer or Guardian, it is our responsibility to be positive Influences. To ensure that those within our care, are safeguarded from these negative emotions.
What Is Neuroscience?
Neuroscience is the study of the brain and its impact on behaviour.
It is an exciting field of research that has huge significance to anyone who supports babies or young children. This qualification is designed to give learners an introduction to the subject, and to share with them some of the remarkable insights it has given us in terms of how the infant brain develops, and how this is affected by a range of external influences.
Course Info
Nationally Accredited - Government Funded (FREE) - Childcare Qualification
Level 2 - 6/8 Weeks
Is this course for me?
Whether it is in a personal or professional capacity, this course has relevance to anyone with an interest in child development and the factors that affect children’s behaviour, emotional well-being and ability to learn.
It is particularly relevant to early years practitioners, teachers and teaching assistants, childminders and those who work in children’s services. It should also be a valuable aid to parents and other primary carers.