December 04, 2024 3 Mins

Our Top 5 Tips To Help You De-Stress

There’s no avoiding the stress of everyday life, we’ve all been through it. Responsibilities at home, busy schedules, deadlines, social drama: all of these can create tension causing us to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Everyday stressors have a way of piling up if we don’t keep them in check. Addin...

Our Top 5 Tips To Help You De-Stress

There’s no avoiding the stress of everyday life, we’ve all been through it. Responsibilities at home, busy schedules, deadlines, social drama: all of these can create tension causing us to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Everyday stressors have a way of piling up if we don’t keep them in check. Adding these 5 simple actions to your routine can help you avoid feeling stressed:



It’s hard to feel anxious when you’re taking deep breaths on a run, feeling the rush of a downhill bike ride or playing a football game with friends. Exercise doesn’t just take our mind off stress; it releases chemicals in our brains that make us feel better.



“Take a deep breath” may seem like a cliché, but it holds true when it comes to stress. For centuries, Buddhist monks have been conscious of deliberate breathing during meditation. Take 3 minutes out of your day, sit up in your chair, with your feet flat on the floor and hands on top of your knees.


Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, concentrating on just your breathing. This helps you to relax your body while clearing your mind as you change your focus on just your breathing.



This may seem like a no-brainer. After all, who doesn’t love to sleep? But getting the right amount of sleep is vital to re-building that energy. It’s important to get the recommended 7/8 hours a night of sleep. Turn off Netflix early and put your Do Not Disturb on your phone to make sure you get an undisturbed rest.


Another great feature to utilise is switching your phone light from blue light to warmer lighting which is a feature built into most modern devices. This will put less stress on your eyes and can significantly improve your sleep quality.


Stay Organised

Use your calendar to organise what you’re doing in the week ahead. Take a few minutes to plan your time and what you need to prioritise. Don’t go too wild and write a never-ending list as this will cause you to stress when your not achieving everything. A simpler method is to reflect at the end of each day and making a small list of what you would like to achieve over the next day.



Now, this is one we know can be hard to do but can work wonders. Spending time on social media sites can become stressful, not only from what we might see on them but also because the time you are spending on social media might be best spent enjoying visiting with friends, being outside enjoying the weather or reading a great book. The latest phones have features built-in now to help you step away from your device and spend time away from the screen.


Even taking 2 hours a day away from your phone can help to relieve the stress of social media.


Effective stress management helps you break the hold that stress can have on your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun—and the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head-on. We hope that these top tips have helped to restore that balance. Let us know your stress relief techniques by heading over to our Instagram or Facebook @theaimgroupuk and leave a comment on our post

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